Led by the orderly to
another white barrel
empty like my
mind withdrawing
rehab kids are
talking outside
my door
the therapist affirms
you have to get along
you'll be here until
you're done
and the psych doc takes only
30 minutes to
redistrubute the usual
line of pills
the nurses all stare to see
if you'll be a problem
and the other kids well they just
size you up
this feels just like a
this is my new
and i am the
new kid on the
In containment we are
forced to focus
our own problems
resentfully held in as
what is
sourced from a common place
real world fucked
and teenage angst
i need my friends now more
than anything and
they were all that kept me sane
you took them away
our bad histories lead to
war stories
and the kids here each share
their piece of the glory
though they're all different
they carry the same
desperate and disowned
blameful feeling
abuse and rape
homelessness and poverty
problems in the family
and loved ones gone
through drugs and drugs and drugs.
Magnetically we are
bound to be
in this place
cornered by society's
inhuman race
depreciating hope for
in a lethal blunder
with his chosen apparratus
the nurses find him and emerge
with a boy bleeding
haggard on the highs and
somber on the lows
though the nurses are more mature
they sometimes lose control
the kids are all silent
trying not to rethink death
until we're forced to ask
why are you here
because you re-
mind me of a
and you're the kind of
people I want
to help.
another white barrel
empty like my
mind withdrawing
rehab kids are
talking outside
my door
the therapist affirms
you have to get along
you'll be here until
you're done
and the psych doc takes only
30 minutes to
redistrubute the usual
line of pills
the nurses all stare to see
if you'll be a problem
and the other kids well they just
size you up
this feels just like a
this is my new
and i am the
new kid on the
In containment we are
forced to focus
our own problems
resentfully held in as
what is
sourced from a common place
real world fucked
and teenage angst
i need my friends now more
than anything and
they were all that kept me sane
you took them away
our bad histories lead to
war stories
and the kids here each share
their piece of the glory
though they're all different
they carry the same
desperate and disowned
blameful feeling
abuse and rape
homelessness and poverty
problems in the family
and loved ones gone
through drugs and drugs and drugs.
Magnetically we are
bound to be
in this place
cornered by society's
inhuman race
depreciating hope for
in a lethal blunder
with his chosen apparratus
the nurses find him and emerge
with a boy bleeding
haggard on the highs and
somber on the lows
though the nurses are more mature
they sometimes lose control
the kids are all silent
trying not to rethink death
until we're forced to ask
why are you here
because you re-
mind me of a
and you're the kind of
people I want
to help.